Fura-Falevan's avatar


[next Kiriban:65 001]
618 Watchers230 Deviations

COMMISSION STATUS : :damphyr: CLOSED :damphyr:
complete :)

Important : I don't draw for companies! I only draw for Persons, and small associations. 

Anne Solo > not started
- Aelig > 10%
- Steampunk Arganalth > 90%
- Manon > 100%  Commission : Manon
- Svehnyr Runic > 100% for Inikaam > The draw
- Ardana TF > sketch step for Arganalth > his DA


Fight System : 80%
Universe : 95%
Universe writting : 20%
Races : 100%
Fantasy Jobs systems : 30%
SF Jobs systems : 80%
Multiverse Systems : 50%
Bestiary : 30%
Craftsystem : 30%

Life on DA


:damphyr::damphyr:Next Kiriban---->on 88 000 pages view :damphyr: :damphyr:
1- Screencap it
2- Send me a note with it
3- The first one who will send me the note with the kiriban's screencap will win! ^_^

What's the prize? I will draw you something of your choice... :D

Good Luck!! ^_________^
(and thanks sambre sambre, i've copy the rules in your gal^^)

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byFura-Falevan helped byClaireJones& webs.com
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A few peoples asked me why I didn't take commissions this time : it's simple, I have to much drawings (and other works) to do, and some I can't post on DA^^" . More, I did them after my real job, so it isn't easy. But I put here a small summary of my works, So you will can see when I will re-open :)


COMMISSION STATUS : CLOSED (stay here, I open in few days^^

Important : I don't draw for companies! I only draw for Persons, and small associations.

- Svehnyr Runic > 100% for Inikaam > The draw
- A city in the Sky > 100% for a tumblr guy (Can't say more^^")
- Ardana TF > 10% sketch step for Arganalth > his DA
- Tzin > 30% for Aslag, refs and sketchs step > his blog
- Plant-monster for an other friend ->100%
- OC Fury concept (commission passed a looooong time ago^^") -> 100%
- Lineart bestiary for a role playing game > 4% (I will tell you more on that big project, when I will can)

- Attak on Titans fan'art > 80%, coloring step
- studie : Rose (finished) > This sort of studies are only on tumblr
- studie : Lotus > This studies are only on tumblr
- Monthly contest for digitalpainting.school : here


System : 40%
Universe : 95%
Races : 100%
Jobs : 70%
Bestiary : 30%
SF game-mechanics : 15%
Fantasy game-mechanics : 30%
Multiverse game-machanics : 15%
Craft : 10%
Combat mechanics : 50%

The Dark&Fire project is an old project of role playing game on paper we did with 2 friends, which will be commercialised in few years. We searching for a drawer to draw the bestiary, and some machines from a Fantasy - SF Universe. It's 7 years of working^^

Life on DA


:damphyr::damphyr:Next Kiriban---->on 88 000 pages view :damphyr: :damphyr:
1- Screencap it
2- Send me a note with it
3- The first one who will send me the note with the kiriban's screencap will win! ^_^

What's the prize? I will draw you something of your choice... :D

Good Luck!! ^_________^
(and thanks sambre sambre, i've copy the rules in your gal^^)

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byFura-Falevan helped byClaireJones& webs.com
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7 min read

I arranged my gallery this morning, and I saw some messages you give me without any answers, enven if we asked me a question. 
So I'm sorry, I just hadn't seen this messages before Oo Dont' know why... Perhaps because I tryed the new DA CSS or because I'm just a bit silly XD

So I only want, you know ,that if I don't answer you, it's not because I act as a bad princess, but only because I don't see the message^^"

Life on DA


:damphyr::damphyr:Next Kiriban---->on 88 000 pages view :damphyr: :damphyr:
1- Screencap it
2- Send me a note with it
3- The first one who will send me the note with the kiriban's screencap will win! ^_^

What's the prize? I will draw you something of your choice... :D

Good Luck!! ^_________^
(and thanks sambre sambre, i've copy the rules in your gal^^)

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byFura-Falevan helped byClaireJones& webs.com
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Je me suis débarrassée de quelques vieux groupes, peu actifs, ou ne correspondant plus à ma mentalité récemment, et ça fait pas de mal.
L'un d'eux en particulier, est :iconfrenchconnexion: . Pas mal de mes watchers connaissent mon aversion pour la mentalité de pas mal de groupes francophones, qui deviennent élitistes du jour au lendemain et poussent à la benne d'anciens membres, qui n'ont pas forcément le talent de certains autres membres mais restent bourrés de bons concepts, et relativement dynamiques.

Eh bien j'avoue que de tous les groupes auxquels j'appartiens, celui-ci est celui qui m'a le plus déçu et de très loin!
J'aime apprendre, et même si j'ai arrêté le dessin durant 5 ans, ce qui est assez pour méchamment perdre, la critique ne m'a jamais gêné et m'a toujours fait rebondir.

Quand j'ai intégré ce groupe, à l'origine il y avait cette bonne mentalité d'apprentissage. Mais depuis que j'ai repris DA, ses membres, non contents de faire des critiques non constructives, et blessantes (et pourtant je ne suis pas du genre à apitoyer sur des échecs non plus de base), n'apportent absolument plus rien de friendly. Oui il y a de belles images partagées, de très beaux travaux. Mais il y a surtout ce que je déteste le plus dans nos communautés franco. Si on a pas le "niveau", on est relégué au rang de "sous membre". Ça faisait des mois que je n'avais plus le droit de rien publier dans ce groupe (edit : enfin des mois, faut pt'être pas exagérer ils m'acceptaient quand même certaines deviations à y regarder de plus près), là encore même si je ne cache pas avoir été un peu vexée par moments, les travaux proposés, que je découvrais, compensaient le fait de ne pas pouvoir participer comme je l'aurais espéré.

Mais voilà, pour moi un groupe, ce n'est pas juste une galerie de jolis trucs, ou on a pas le droit de parler si on ne fait pas partie de la caste des bons dessinateurs. C'est un lieu de libre échanges, de dialogues, et d'amusements. Bref, tout le contraire, de ce qu'à mon sens, est devenu ce groupe. 

Espérant retrouver ce que j'aimais bien dedans (j'ai tout de même assisté à sa création à ce groupe, et il a galéré au début! ) , j'ai pris mon mal en patience pendant un an, j'ai suivi la communauté de manière plus fantômatique, mais toujours présente, mais je n'adhère définitivement plus à sa mentalité.
J'ai eu des pbms similaires sur d'autres groupes, mais ça s'est arrangé, tout simplement car cela venait de quiproquos souvent, que des dialogues avec divers membres, et un peu d'entrainement sur mes illus ont corrigé. 

Mais ce dernier est trop élitiste. Élitiste, et très peu modéré. (Quand il est modéré). Bref, je ne le conseille pas.

PS : je mets cependant une des modératrices à part, qui elle par contre est de très bon conseil. CookiesOchocola, qui se démène pour donner des astuces et décrire les avantages et les défauts de certaines soumissions. C'est d'ailleurs la seule à réellement répondre aux questions, sans être hautaine et mauvaise.

Life on DA

Works in Progress :


:damphyr::damphyr:Next Kiriban---->on 88 000 pages view :damphyr: :damphyr:
1- Screencap it
2- Send me a note with it
3- The first one who will send me the note with the kiriban's screencap will win! ^_^

What's the prize? I will draw you something of your choice... :D

Good Luck!! ^_________^
(and thanks sambre sambre, i've copy the rules in your gal^^)

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byFura-Falevan helped byClaireJones& webs.com
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Hi all ^^ Just a small questionary :D More infos : here
  1. How long have you been on DeviantArt?
    Since January, 2007. Long time ago now :D

  2. What does your username mean?
    My first username was Fura01. Fura is the name of the first character I drawed, and the first name of the first avatar I played on a mmo^^
    01 is a tattoo we could see on the shoulder of an other of my characters, Maxime Logan :b
    Now, Fura falevan, is the name and lastname of the same character^^ Some gamers friends know me as Fura, so I can't change anymore :D

  3. Describe yourself in three words.
    Brave, short (xD), frank

  4. Are you left or right handed?
    Both :B An accident on my right arm obliged me to training me to become ambidextrous.

  5. What was your first deviation?
    Dark_and_Fire by Fura-Falevanoh men... so crap xD

  6. What is your favourite type of art to create?
    Seigneur schiste 's smile by Fura-Falevan 
    Fantasy and SF ballpen drawings :D Don't know why. But I love drawing with ballpen.

  7. If you could instantly master a different art style, what would it be?
    <da:thumb id="482502999"/> 
    Because it's expressive, and lines aren't regular so more expressive!
    But I've no time to draw with my work, so I prefer to read it x)

  8. What was your first favourite?
    nosferatu by jengslizer

  9. What type of art do you tend to favourite the most?
    Fantasy and SF art of all types : digital, pencil, landscapes or characters...

  10. Who is your all-time favourite deviant artist?
    The same XD :iconnebezial: for his lines and textures. 
    But I love really :iconwen-m: too for his colors and details

  11. If you could meet anyone on DeviantArt in person, who would it be?
    I really don't know because I'm too reserved >< And I don't deserve-it I think XD

  12. How has a fellow deviant impacted your life?
    I come to DA with a friend :icondavinarfel: . DA was a community where I learned to draw. I'm graphic and UXDesigner but I was really interrested to become a drawer when I was younger. Problem : My family hated graphical arts, so I left them, worked hard, and DA was a community when I could tell of my passion with peoples. I hadn't other peoples (exept Arfel) to tell about it in real life. (Oh and I've a really bad english I know. But I try to do my best to be understandable ><)

    Because I wasn't really good at drawing, and need to do some money to live, and because I couldn't do small job (I'm disabled persons, so some doors are closed for me^^"), I had done other studies to find my actual vocation. :)

    And all this time, DA was here^^ Now, I continue to draw, only as an hobby. But it's some help from deviant which permit me to don't stop drawing :)

  13. What are your preferred tools to create art?
    Ballpen :D we have all time a ballpen near us. And... I love the contact of the ballpen on the paper. I think that's why some of my best draws are done with a ballpen :)
    I love photoshop, illustrator and my Intuos too^^ and like sometimes animate my draws with flash :D

  14. What is the most inspirational place for you to create art?
    In the street ah,ah. Or at my balcony. I like see peoples live their lives on the street. I only draw fantasy, scfi and steampunk, but... I need to see persons to get inspiration.

  15. What is your favourite DeviantArt memory?
    Perhaps it's stupid, but it's the day when I got my first feature on a group. I was really happy! It's the first time where I thought that my draws could be appreciated by peoples^^ I remember, it was this one :  the dragon queen_oups details by Fura-Falevan

    I was very proud, because, I do some fan'art. But the two favourites draws of my gallery are this one; and this :  Let's think of ourselves by Fura-Falevan
    And it's important for me! Because it's my own art, my own universe, not fan'arts which are more appreciated :D I do not draw amazing and populars drawings, but I know my world can be pleasant to follow ^^

Life on DA

Works in Progress :


:damphyr::damphyr:Next Kiriban---->on 88 000 pages view :damphyr: :damphyr:
1- Screencap it
2- Send me a note with it
3- The first one who will send me the note with the kiriban's screencap will win! ^_^

What's the prize? I will draw you something of your choice... :D

Good Luck!! ^_________^
(and thanks sambre sambre, i've copy the rules in your gal^^)

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byFura-Falevan helped byClaireJones& webs.com
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Commissions status by Fura-Falevan, journal

A small summary of my works (update) by Fura-Falevan, journal

Sorry! by Fura-Falevan, journal

Quelques groupes en moins : Bye French connexion by Fura-Falevan, journal

DeviantArtist Questionnaire by Fura-Falevan, journal